Part Four: More Ani-mules

First up is a pile of assorted ani-mules. Wool, mohair, alpaca... enough to ponder evil things.

Mohair, Larryhair, and Curlyhair. No Shemphair though. I have evil sinister plans for this - believe you me - but I think I need more. More yarn, more yarn, all different colours, mooooooooooore!

Ana sent this months ago, and it too is waiting for the Perfect project. I think it's going to be a sweater and cables are going to be involved. The main problem with this is that cables and I don't get along. It'll be something good, though.

Skacel Merino laceweight - the two on the left are both full unmolested balls. In the label hides the leftovers from Madli's. The two on the right are actually both black - I tried to buy two hanks at the same time but when winding the second, the store owner found that the hank had been sliced halfway... so it's only about a quarter.

Yarn from Zib, because we love her.

Another good thrift shop find - old sock yarn! Some are all wool, some have a bit of nylon. I've been hoarding it for a long time... and it's actually missing now - this is a picture from several months ago - but once I find it, socks!
(When I did the big pile of loot on the kitchen floor, the sock yarn revealed itself - it had fallen behind a bookshelf. No soup for you!

And... umm... pathetically enough, that's about it. Send me yarn. No ball too small!


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